What I got for NYE 2017
Like you maybe already know each year I’m writing an article about what I got for nye. I did this for New Year’s eve 2015, 2016 and now also for 2017! This is for sure not an article to brag with! But just because I love to see this also by other blogger! And maybe now you’re thinking why do you give gifts with nye? This is because it is hard to get my family all together with Christmas. So therefrom we decided to give the gifts always with nye instead of Christmas. And whaa… They spoiled me so much this year! So with much happiness I will show you everything I got…
Let’s start with the biggest item… I already knew what it was because the person already gave me a hint. Haha, keeping secrets is hard in my family! 😉 But despite that I was way to happy with this big gift! And to be honest I don’t have a big mirror at home to see my outfits, but now I finally got one! And the special part about this one is that it’s a mirror jewelry closet. How cool is this! Now I also can keep my jewelry safe.
Last year I got an awesome light box and now I can add a letter board to the collection! Yaay! I’m such a fan from such boards! Because it’s so nice to switch often to another inspiring quote! And I also a huge fan from scents candles and I got this good one from rituals. And now that we are talking about good smells I also got gucci bamboo.
I asked for a bluetooth headphone from sony. But because of some practice reasons I needed to exchange this one. But I switched it for a better one! Not to be ungrateful but they understand why I need to switched it! But I’m so happy that I finally got headphone! I also got much aa batteries, a cute rainbow money box and an amazing coins purse.
The last amazing gifts where beautiful pink running shoes, a mini foam roller, 2 nice headbands and the cookbook easy vegan! And the cookbook was on my wishlist for a while now! I can’t wait to make food from this like the vegan mac ‘n’ cheese! I can’t wait to try that!
Woow, this were all my gifts that I got. I’m so happy with them all! And I’m so grateful for all these beautiful gifts! And as my letter board says: sparkle on in 2018! I hope you all got some nice gifts with Christmas or NYE! But especially I hope that you had an amazing time together with the Holidays!<3
Lots of love xxx
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Disclaimer: the blogger behind missprettiness.com has dyslexia. I’m doing the best that I can. But if you see a spelling mistake I’m sorry about that!
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