Veet easy-gelwax waxstrips + how to & tips
In the past I already used the wax strips from veet, but now they have a new formula and this turned out amazing! First of all the strips all have a lovely smell, for sure the one for a dry skin! What is different with these strips is that these also must remove the shorter hairs and that you don’t have to rub the strips any longer to each other to warm them up. So this only makes the waxing process quicker and easier.
All the variants of the wax strips indeed remove also the shorter hairs! These wax strips are so easy to use. Also with these you don’t have the problem that a lot of the wax will stay on your skin. And if this is the case that you can easy remove it with the sheets that you get with these waxing strips. The first time waxing can be painful, but when you do this more often the hairs will come back less and less so it will be less painful.
The wax strips from veet are so use friendly! I only can recommend these strips, because they are so easy to use! And with waxing your hairs will stay away longer, this depends from person till person but with waxing the hairs mostly will be away for 2 till 4 weeks. Or if you are lucky even longer! 😉 To wax my both under legs I needed 6 strips, and 1 strips is 2 lose once so I used 12 lose once. And it took me around 15 minutes to do both legs.