Spider-man: far from home
After the last marvel movie, Avengers: Endgame I couldn’t wait till their next movie, spider-man far from home. I’m a huge marvel and spider man fan. So of course I was so curious to finally watch this movie! And lucky me because I got the chance to watch this movie during an exclusive screening…. I was so curious because after end game is the bar high set. So time to tell you what I found from this movie without telling any spoilers. 😉
In short is this what the new Spider-Man: Far From Home movie is about:
Parker is recruited by Nick Fury and Mysterio to face elemental threats from another dimension while he is on a school trip to Europe.
So the movie is after all what happened in end game. Personally I found that thanks to this movie I better understood some things from in end game. The unique think about spider-man movies with Tom Holland is that these are not ‘classic super hero’ movie. No, these movies are so much more than that! Especially far from home! You find it this one humor, a lot of excitement and also some romantic and… Europe! Yes, that sounds maybe a bit weird but I find I quite nice that they filmed (?) in Europe. Like in London, Venice,… And for me as European is this so cool to see location in the movie that I know or visited before. But of course there is so much more… In the movie you see a lot of special effect, so if you don’t like this you are warned. Also I get I that you find this movie a bit weird if you compare it with the other spider-man movies. Buuut I personally didn’t experience it like that, because I found it an amazing movie!
I even could watch this movie a 2nd or 3nd time or even more. It’s a surprising, unique super hero movie. Tom Holland and the rest of the cast really did an amazing job! So are you just like me are big marvel or spider man fan? And you still haven’t seen this movie? Then be sure to check this one out! Because this movie is for sure a must see! You will be surprised! 🙂
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