
Livia: the switch off for menstrual pain?

I’m going to be honest I really hate it to get my period… And that’s why I always delay it by taking my pill through. And yes I know… There are people that say that this is ok but you also got the once that tell you that this is so unhealthy. It’s an eternal discussion. But I always take the risk because of the heavy pain. Because it is sometimes so painful that even painkillers don’t work and I even can’t go to school. So I was always looking for a solution but I never found it. So hopefully the livia can change this. Because this is a natural way to get rid of your menstrual pain. Are you curious what this devise does?

Starter kit:

This kit contains a livia case, electrodes, gel pads, the device in a blue skin, a white skin and an usb charging cable.

What is it?

Livia is the switch off to relief you from your menstrual pain. It’s a tiny device that you easy and discreet can use. You connect the flower pads (electrodes) to the livia device. And that way the livia will send a soft high-frequency electrical signal. This signal will block the pain feelings that are being send to your brain, and that way you can’t feel any pain anymore.

How to use?

Before you use the livia please read the instructions very well. The first time that you use it you need to load it for 12h.

Then is the livia ready to relief you from your menstrual pain! You place the electrodes onto your abdomen or lower back where you have the most pain, on a distance from 10-15 cm.

The devices has valve at the back, whereby you easy can add it onto your pants. The on and off button works easy and with the + and – buttons you can make the electrical pulses softer or more powerful. You can also pimp your livia with another skin. Oh, and another good thing is that you can take it easy with you in the case! So they really put some good effort in it!

The switch off for menstrual pain?

You know that this must be the switch off for menstrual pain. But there is even more… Because during that period we not only have pain but also other complaints. But luckily livia has covered it all! Because it not only helps with your menstrual pain. It even helps to reduce spasms, mood swings and it must give use an increased feeling from well being. And that all thanks to this little device that gives you a natural treatment! So you can also say goodbye to all those pills.


The livia sounds very promising… But does it really works that good? As I said before I I normally skip my period and just take my pill through because of the heavy pains. But especially to test this device I insert a pill free week. And damn I forgot how much pain it was… So I was happy that this device can offer me a solution. I placed it where the pain was the heavyset… The first time it was a bit trying out how hard I could set these pulses. But once it knew it, I just could let the livia do his work! And it really works! Because my colic disappeared as snow before the sun. And I also felt good during my period. Normally I really feel down, but when I used the livia I barely noticed that I was on my period. I never thought that this would work that great! So yes, I’m going to use it each month from now on!

The livia really says goodbye to the colic and hello to the lovely feeling even during your menstruation! This is really the solution if you got so much pain during your period! It’s a bit a pricey devices but it’s a natural solution that really works.

Starter kit livia is €159,99. You can order the gel pads for €24,99 for 6 and another colored skin for your livia is €14,99.

Lots of love xxx

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Disclaimer: the blogger behind has dyslexia. I’m doing the best that I can. But if you see a spelling mistake I’m sorry about that!