
How can you get a free face mask at lush

Yes, indeed you can get a free fresh face mask at lush! And non this is not a temporally thing because you can do this all the time! Curious what you need to do to get a free mask? It’s simple. The only think you need to do is bring 5 empty lush packings back too the store! This is so easy isn’t it? And when you are a lush fan, you will have for sure some packings in your home. I was collection the empty packings for a will now, so during my visited to Ghent I exchange the packings for a free mask! So I thought that it would be handy if I shared all the practical information with you! Because getting a free mask is always nice!

How does it work?

You have to bring 5 empty, clean black pots back to the lush store. And there you get the chance to exchange this for a free face mask after your choose.

Witch packings?

The packings that you can bring back to the store depends from county to county. But these packings don’t count for sure: the glass and aluminum packing.

For the other it depends like I said from county to county. But in Belgium you can exchange the black and transparent pots (like example from the jelly products) and also the black bottle (toners). In the Netherlands you can bring all from above back to the store and also the transparent bottle (like from this lush deo). So if you have a lot of transparent bottles that they don’t except in Belgium, then save these for when you are going to the Netherlands! I’m also doing this, because there they accept these!

So be sure to save your empty lush packings, so that you soon can exchange them for your free face mask! But keep in mind that the face mask are fresh, so they have a limited preservability.

I hope that you can do something with this tip, because now you know perfectly how everything works and what you need to do for a free mask!

Lots of love xxx

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Disclaimer: the blogger behind has dyslexia. I’m doing the best that I can. But if you see a spelling mistake I’m sorry about that!