
Favorite fit youtubers for home-workouts

Now that I’m staying home where I need to be I started sporting again. But in a safe way with youtube home workouts! And I already can tell you that with home youtube workouts you also can get a lot of muscle strain. šŸ˜‰ And because I’m not the only one home I thought I would be a good idea to show you my favorite youtuber to workout with. So time to get fit (again). šŸ˜‰


This is for sure the youtuber that I’m following the longest. She also has a workout calendar each month that you can follow. Or if you are a beginner? Then you can find a special beginner calendar on here site. I really love here youtube video’s and she also gives you a lot of motivation. So maybe you also love pop-pilates as much as I do.

Pamela Reif

Depending from your level: beginner, medium or intense you can find the workout for your level. This youtuber is well-known to give you killer abs. So do you want those killer abs? Then are these workouts what you need! But of course, except for abs workouts, she also has other workout videos for like example full body, legs,…


What cool is about this youtube channel is the variation on it. You find full body workouts but also yoga and more on this. But what makes this channel more fun is that you can do a body workout like example on the newest song from Dua Lipa or someone else.


If you want some more variety, then is this channel what you need! And here you can also do some real celebrity workouts! Because on this channel you find different workouts from a lot of personal trainers out of Hollywood! These workouts are mostly a combination of fitness and dancing. So you can shake into that Hollywood body in a fun way. These workout are mostly between 30 to 50 minutes.

Chloe Ting

If you wanna do a workout without any equipment but that is very intense? Yes, then is this the Youtuber you need! Almost all her workouts are without equipment and are pithy!

I hope that now you maybe met the perfect youtuber that you can workout with! Have fun & stay safe!

Disclaimer: the blogger behind has dyslexia. Iā€™m doing the best that I can. But if you see a spelling mistake Iā€™m sorry about that.