Everything you need to know about hair removal
Now that the sun is back, it’s time to wear shirts and skirts again! But oops, now we first need to remove our winter down. 😉 Of course you can remove your unwanted hairs during the whole year. But personally I always do a little winter break. But with the sun that is shinning it is the perfect occasion to tell you all about the different methods to remove your unwanted hairs and of course the pros and cons.
With shaving you only remove the hairs on the skin surface. You can do this with a razor or an electric shaver. With this method the hairs will grow back very fast. And shaving makes the hairs short and thick.
Easy, quick & cheap.
The hairs come back very quick and you can make wounds. Also shaving can have an irritation effect and you got more chance on ingrown hairs.
If you don’t want any pain or you don’t wanna take a risk to hurt yourself with shaving, then is depilatories a good and easy option! You let the cream work in a few minutes and then will this chemical hair removal take care and dissolve that hairs. The only thing what you need to do is to remove the cream with a scoop and wash the rest off.
It’s painless and simple.
It’s a chemical product so it’s not ideal for a sensitive or dry skin. Also the hairs will stay away for only 3 till 5 days. And such a cream don’t always smells that good!
IPL hair removal is most of the time used by beautician but you also have IPL devices that you can use at home. IPL works with light flashes and those flashes will be absorbed into the hair follicle. This light energy will be transformed into warmth and this will damage the pigment cells and the hair root. With a IPL devices that you can use at home is the intensity to low for permanent hair removal. The hair root comes in a kind of resting phase but will not be destroyed. By a beautician you have more chance for a reduced hair growth. But this depends from person till person.
The hairs will stay away for a while because they will be in a kind of resting phase.
The flash light is dangerous for the eyes. IPL is also not suitable for all the hair types. And it takes awhile to remove all the hairs. Also before and after a IPL treatment you may not come into the sun. And IPL is also pricey…
Hair removal pads
This is a pad that exist out of fine crystals, you have this in different sized and pads for your face or body. Through using the pads in revolving way the hair follicles will come open. And this will helps the crystals to come close to the hair root and when you revolve the other way around the hairs will be removed. This all happens on a soft way that not damaged that skin.
It’s without pain and you don’t need water or shaving cream.
Hair removal with pads takes a while and on stiff hairs works this not so good.
You got a lot of different types of waxing: warm or cold, with or without strips. You can easy do this at home or go to a beautician. With waxing you pull out the hair and the hair root. The first times is this a bit painful, but after a few time the hairs will become thinner and then you will have less pain.
The hairs will stay away for a long time and the hairs will grow back thinner and not as hard as before.
It’s painsful and your skin can get irritated after waxing.
Personally I find this more painful than waxing, but this is a method that works for you or not. With an epilation device you also pull out all the hair with the hair root. Another epilation manner is with thread. This comes from the Middle-East but this is perfect to get your eyebrows in the perfect shape. Because with this you can make smooth lines.
Your hairs will stay away for a long time. If you choose an epilation device you only need yo buy this once. Also the hairs will come back not as hard as before and thinner.
You can suffer from ingrown hairs and it is painful!
Laser hair removal
With laser hair removal they use our body’s melanin that is present in our hairs. The laser sends a pulse to the hair and the warmth will transported the melanin to the hair root and this will destroy the hair root.
You will lose 80 till 90% from the unwanted hairs. The hairs that then still are visible are downy hairs. A laser has more power that IPL and because of this can a laser remove hairs much deeper.
Dependent from with area you choose you need 5 till 10 treatments where every time at least is 6 weeks between each treatment. And except that is this also pricey.
Which method do you perfect to get rid of unwanted hairs?
Lots of love xxx
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Disclaimer: the blogger behind missprettiness.com has dyslexia. I’m doing the best that I can. But if you see a spelling mistake I’m sorry about that!
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