Recipe: coconut banana bread
A time ago I found 3 bananas that I forgot that I had… Of course where these overripe. But I didn’t want to throw them away. So I decided to make instead a coconut banana bread with it. Just because…
Recipe // cheesecake with kruidnoten
You maybe know the famous Dutch kruidnoten. This are delicious little spiced cookies. These are popular for ‘Sinterklaas’. This is a special Holiday especially for the children. And I’m addicted to these little cookies! They are just to good! So…
Ortis Detoxine huid // for a beautiful and purifying skin
I have a love and hate relationship with supplements. This because in Belgium supplements need to be made according to some rules of course. But they don’t need to work… So there are a lot of supplements on the market…
Food experience // the grand blogger dinner
A time ago I got a special invitation for my blog. Namely for the grand blogger dinner. When I saw this invitation I was so happy! Because I saw the pictures from last year and this year I got my…
3 Special Hot Drinks To Keep You Warm This Winter
Hey sweeties! It’s getting colder and colder… Of course you want to keep yourself warm with some cozy blankets and some hot drinks. But every time drinking the same drink is maybe becoming boring? So today I’m going to share…
How to make the best freakshake
Something that’s so hot right now are freakshakes! You can’t deny it that you wanna try a freakshake! In April I tried my first freakshake, but this was a sugar bomb and the milkshake itself was not that great… So…
Gezonde lekkernij // Innerglow smoothies
Je kent het waarschijnlijk wel je moet ‘s morgens vroeg vertrekken maar je ligt net zo lekker in bed… Dan heb je twee opties ofwel lekker snoozen en ontbijt overslaan of eruit en wel ontbijten… Mijn keuze is snel gemaakt.…
Recipe // (Valentine) strawberry trifle
Valentine’s day is coming to town… On this special day you want of course give someone you carry about a little more attention. And like they said love goes through the stomach. So what’s better than surprise your love once…
Recipe // chocolate (nutella) cake
It’s a year ago that I posted the best chocolate cake recipe on my blog. But in the meantime I experimented a lot and now I have a better chocolate cake recipe! And nutella lovers be prepared because when you taste this…
On my mind // boretti
Only in Dutch but my other articles will be back in English! 🙂 Ok, ik geef het toe… Het is misschien al vroeg om hierover te beginnen. Maar als je nu je kerstcadeautjes al op een wishlist zet of begint te…