Outfit: a day in Paris
Onlangs moest ik toevallig voor een paar uurtjes in Parijs zijn… En dat betekend natuurlijk croissantjes eten en foto’s voor mijn blog maken. 😉 Heel veel tijd had ik niet dus de croissantjes waren voor onderweg en echt goddelijk. Want…
Sothys // LE un automne à Paris
When I was studying for beautician I always worked with the brand ‘Sothys’. I really loved to use those products for giving and also getting a facial treatment. On the press days in Antwerp I also saw that Sothys has…
Outfit // black and white in Paris
Unfortunately I didn’t get my hands on tickets for tomorrowland… But this is the perfect timing to share my outfit in Paris that I promised. For shooting this outfit my boyfriend and I needed to get up early… Because around…
Travel // Oui, oui Paris
A while ago my boyfriend and I went on a trip with the motor to Paris. It was my first trip to Paris! But unfortunately I had to wait awhile to post this pictures because I lost a lot of…
Outfit // golden night in Paris
Oooh, yes I love Paris! I love the city, the food, the fashion,… I just love everything about Paris! Especially a fresh crispy baguette with cheese and some good white wine. That’s just the good life! 😉 Because my boyfriend…