Outfit: hell yeah 2.0
Whoop whoop, het is zaterdag en dat betekend (hopelijk) weekend! Ik heb vandaag al een leuke dag gehad. Ik moest naar een verjaardagsfeestje bij een all you can eat. Ik ga voornamelijk voor de desserts want als veggie heb je…
Shoplog coolcat
Yes, yes je leest het goed nog eens een shoplog op mijn blog! En deze keer van een winkel waar ik normaal niet veel shop… Namelijk van de coolcat. Online had ik heel veel leuke items gezien dat nog eens…
Outfit // hell yeah
Hello sweeties Whaa, I’m so excited…. Because I’m leaving for a secret project! It’s a secret project so I don’t know much. But what I already know is, that it is going to be very impressive! But soon I can…
Outfit // red bow
Hey lovelies! Begin last week I was a little ill, but I had an examen and I also went to a summer apero from Lott gioielli. This is such a beautiful jewelry brand, and soon I will tell you more about…
Outfit // red amsterdam
When I was in Amsterdam for fashion week I wanted to shoot one of my outfits. This outfit has for sure the ‘wow’ effect thanks to the awesome bag. 😉 I found this bag in the sale of only €4.…
Outfit // a touch of vintage
Oops, January is almost over and I’m sharing my first outfit post just now… But better late than sorry. 😉 And this year enough outfit posts will come online! Because now I have a professional photographer that I can work with to…
Outfit // easy leopard
This is the last outfit post for 2016! And I wanted to do something special… So I decided to shoot and outfit post without make-up and this outfit is and outfit that I wear on comfy days. So maybe not so…
Outfit // blending in the woods
I can’t believe that it is already December! Time flies when you’re having fun… And for this month I have a lot of articles on the planning about limited editions for Christmas and of course some Christmas DIY’s! I’m looking forward…
Outfit // fringe poncho
Oops… Again an outfit post with a poncho… But this one is completely different than the poncho from my last outfit post. But I just love to wear a poncho, it’s warm and easy to combined. But last few days were…
Outfit // elegant poncho
The winner for the birthday giveaway will receive an email today. I put all the names in a random name generator because that’s the fairest. I hope that the winner will be happy! So with that said I can tell you now more…