DKNY: be delicious eau de parfum & body lotion
Hello guys! Yes it’s been a long time ago… But yesterday I had an important exam. And this morning I’ve got the news that I passed the test! So I’m very happy! Soon you can read more about that, because I’m planning to start in May with renovation for my own business! It’s going to take a while but I will keep you posted! 😉
For the rest I think that DKNY be delicious is one of the most popular perfumes. Almost everybody knows this parfum. But I couldn’t find much information about how the smell is, how long it stays,… So time to tell you more about be delicious!
Be delicious is a very fresh smell in the being. After some time it smells more musky. And finally it smells a little sweet more like a sweet fruity smell. It’s hard to describe but I hope that you know what I mean. 😉
This fresh fruity smell stays for almost a half day so let said 8 till 10h. So it’s says very long and I like that! Also I only need 1 till 2 sprays of perfume. To be honest I’m more in to the sweet smells… But I like be delicious very much!
The body lotion is more subtle but for the rest is it just the same smell! It’s a normal body lotion it makes you skin softer. But for the rest it doesn’t do that much! So this is not a special body lotion. But it’s always fine to use a parfum and body lotion in the same smell!
So the body lotion is not special but the perfume is definitely worth it!
I find this a parfum that can be worn by everyone from all the ages! It’s just a fresh, delicious parfum that stays almost 8 till 10h! So I’m really happy with this sweet parfum with such a lovely look!
Enjoy your weekend! 😀
Lots of love xxx
You can also find me on instagram: themisspinkunicorn

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